Training shows new leaders how to do their jobs and allows for an interchange of ideas with more experienced leaders. Every Cub Scout deserves qualified, trained leaders who will provide the best program possible, the way it is intended. Trained leaders ensure that the goals of Cub Scouting are met. The leadership training program of the Boy Scouts of America provides this information and helps leaders become confident in carrying out their responsibilities.
Our goal at Pack 101 is to have the best trained adult leaders for our Scouts. Leaders who take all the appropriate classes earn the privilege of wearing the "Trained" tab on their uniform.
Youth Protection Training
The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders with resources for the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing programs.The YPT is an online course designed to uniformly teach both leaders and parents the rules of adult-Scout interactions. Learn more about BSA's YPT at their website.
Follow these instructions to complete the YPT.
Some Notes:
If you have linked your membership ID number to your account, your training will automatically
update at the council office.
If you are a new member or you have not entered your membership ID number into, you will need to submit your YPT certificate to the council for training
validation. You may bring it in, mail it in, or email it to
You can re-print your YPT certificate at any time by logging into your account, and going to the
training dashboard.